Kewaskum 125 Video – Descriptive Transcript
[Background Music Playing]
[Animated Text: Kewaskum Historical Society Presents...Kewaskum, Wisconsin: The Making of a Village]
[Image of Authors Aaron Laatsch and Anne Trautner At Computer]
[Image of Kewaskum, Wisconsin The Making of a Village Book Cover]
[Image of Kewaskum Welcome Sign at Village Entrance]
[Images of Historic Kewaskum and the Republican Hotel]
Marion Doms Speaking: ...the Republican Hotel
Interviewer in Background: Okay
Marion Doms: Ha-ha, I remember that, still call it Republican Hotel to this day. She had the best chicken. That's what brought the people all out here.
[Images of Historic Kewaskum]
[Image of Andrew Johnson Speaking at Past Memorial Day Service]
Recording of Andrew Johnson Speaking: Life is special and valuable.
[Images of Historic Kewaskum]
[Parade Video Background]
Andrew Johnson Voice: It is meant to be lived fully by all of us who are Americans. We can honor all of our heroes by living a full life and doing things that make a positive difference...
[Parade Video in Background with Marching Band Music]
Andrew Johnson Voice: ...for our families, our communities, our schools, our country. Everyone can do something, even if it is small. The gesture of you standing here with me today is very, very meaningful to me. I thank all of you for being here, those of you in the uniforms,...
[Parade Video in Background with Background Music]
Andrew Johnson Voice: ...those of you that are just here as citizens. Thank you so much for remembering. I can't tell you, from the bottom of my heart, what it means to our nation's fallen families that you are here today to remember that we will not forget those that gave their all.
[Alternating Background Images of Wayne Remmel and Historic Train Depot]
Wayne Remmel Speaking: It took a fair amount of strength to raise both of the gates as they were lifted by a rope winch that was traveling underground to the tower, and they'd crank this up, and they could lift it up. Well, lo and behold, there were mischievious kids at that time, as well. And what would happen, as soon as the train would pass, the kids would run out, and several of them would hang on the crossing gates.
[Image of Kids Diving off the Dam]
[Background Videos of Don Seil Speaking followed by Historic Miller's Furniture Store]
[Don Seil Speaks about the night of the Miller's Furniture Store Fire]
Don Seil: I was there the night that it burned down. It was a bitter cold night in January. I happened to be down in one of the taverns, and the fire truck went by, and only a half a block away, went down there, and I heard the squeaking of the windows. Actually, pressure was building up, there was no flames, and finally the windows all blew out.
[Images of Historic Kewaskum]
[Images of Early Farm Days Event]
[Drone Video of Riverhill Park]
[Kewaskum 125 Logo]
[Animated Text: Please Join Us for Kewaskum's 125th Anniversary Founder's Day Celebration on June 12 and 13 at River Hill Park]
[Rolling Credits]
[Video produced and edited by Madelyn Thull]
[Special Thanks to: Aaron Laatsch, Anne Trautner, Jason Fideler, Andrew Johnson, Marion Doms, Wayne Remmel, Don Seil, Eric Joslin]